
Monday, 20 January 2014

Exams and festivals

I have an exam tomorrow. I have an exam the next day. I had exams last week...
My polar bears were in London. My polar bears were at the London Short Film Festival. My polar bears were nominated and got a special mention in the Award for best Lo-Budget short at the London Short Film Festival last night. My polar bears went without me...

My polar bears have been going to other places too, from Bristol to Italy to Glasgow and to the American version of the internet:
Encounters Film and Animation Festival 2013, In The Woods Festival 2013 (see previous posts), Festival Cinema Giovane 2013, Electric December 2013, American Online Film Awards 2014 and the Glasgow Film Festival 2014.

Shouldn't I be revising? Yes. Yes I should. I can take a break, right? I just have to be careful that there aren't so many breaks it becomes impossible to fix.

Over the exam horizon, before next semester, is a new short that's part of a larger film (written by the voice of Tony), with silicone mice in a cartoon kitchen with samurai swords, suicide bombers and assassin rats. Expect an extensive behind the scenes on that one shortly.

But until then... back to cancer and quantum physics.

Oh, and here are some more laurels, I like laurels.

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